IA Team Volunteers in the Presidio
Recently, INTERSTICE switched up their usual routine by getting outside and getting involved. They headed due north to work with Golden Gate Parks National Conservancy on a habitat restoration project in The Presidio. The project was located at Wherry Corridor, a narrow section of natural habitat threading between man-made structures. For the past 15+ years, the Golden Gate Parks National Conservancy has been nurturing this area back to a healthy landscape filled with native flora and fauna. INTERSTICE assisted with watering and weeding new growth and removing invasive plant species. Not their first volunteering project in the Presidio, INTERSTICE once again enjoyed the opportunity to improve their local habitat.
INTERSTICE Architects Installs the SF SFF / La Cocina Night Market
INTERSTICE Architects is thrilled to support La Cocina and participate in our 4th annual Street Food Festival!
This year we designed and installed a 300-foot-long sinuous bench, called the INTERSTICE banqu(ette), which meanders down the center of the San Francisco Street Food Festival’s second annual Night Market.
Over 500 pallets were zip-tied together to form an interlocking, modular lounge furnishing and bar-table kiosks with heat-lamps for people to gather, eat and celebrate the Market.
With 6 different global regions of foods represented, the Night Market is an opportunity for San Franciscans to taste the best the world has to offer, all prepared and sold by local vendors. The benches are color coded by global region and display way-finding signage also by INTERSTICE. Local artists painted the coverings for the seats.
This is the launch party for the San Francisco Street Food Festival, which spans 6 blocks along Folsom Street between 20th and 26th Streets.
Check out the team at work!

INTERSTICE's design in action
- INTERSTICE’s design in action
INTERSTICE Architects 'Digs In' at the SF Botanical Garden
Check out the pictures from our volunteer day at the San Francisco Botanical Garden – IA spent a day helping SFBG Gardener Jason Martinez weed, aerate and plant a grove of Rhododendrons in a section of the Mediterranean Basin known as Heidelberg Hill. If you’re interested in volunteering your time to assist the SFBG, check out their website – the Garden relies heavily on volunteers like yourself to assist them in a variety of different ways, and no prior gardening experience is required!
Parking Day 2012 – Lighter than Air
Parking Day 2012 – Lighter than Air, a set on Flickr.
We’d like to thank everyone that joined us this past Friday for Parking Day 2012! We had a great time meeting all of you, and we hope you enjoyed our “Lighter than Air” installation and the tasty Malaysian food courtesy of mamakSF! If you have any photos that you’d like to share (maybe you and your friends riding Public Bike’s Whimcycle, or lounging on our yoga ball furniture?) please post them here!
Also, be sure to check out our Flickr photo album!
Lighter than Air! Parking Day 2012
Join Interstice Architects for PARK(ing) Day 2012 this Friday, September 21st in front of Public Bikes and Harrington Galleries at our installation: “Lighter than Air!” This year, we’re going light-weight and “floating” new ideas for our Parking Day installation, such as inflatable furniture, a floating balloon lawn, and an Icarus Bike courtesy of Public Bikes. We’ll also have delicious Malaysian Street food by mamakSF! We’d love for you to stop by and say hello to the IA team, and of course, make sure to check out all the great PARK(ing) Day installations that are sure to be going on in the Mission District this Friday.
We would also like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Rebar for their organization of PARK(ing) Day – what is now a worldwide event!
San Francisco Street Food Festival 2012
Interstice Architects’ photostream on Flickr.
IA was happy to assist La Cocina in preparing for the San Francisco Street Food Festival which took place this past Saturday in the Mission! We helped the festival with the design and construction of over 120 platform benches made from almost 500 locally sourced recycled wooden palettes. We hope you had a chance to visit the festival, and click the link above to take a look at our Flickr set of photos from the event. We would like to thank all the food vendors, volunteers, and especially La Cocina for organizing another successful food festival!
Planning a Food Festival
IA was happy to play host to La Cocina’s kick off meeting to help organize this years annual San Francisco Street Food Festival, which will be held Saturday August 18th. The meeting brought together La Cocina, IA, and more than 30 planning and logistical volunteers made up of event planners, chefs, bar + restaurant owners, social media specialists, designers, and food enthusiasts. Here are a few images from the meeting, and if you’re interested, click here to get involved!
SF Street Food Festival 2011
SF Street Food Festival 2011, a gallery on Flickr.
Recently, IA was pleased to get involved and help La Cocina with their 3rd Annual San Francisco Street Food Festival — an event that showcases some of San Francisco’s best food from restaurants from across the Bay Area. Held in the lively Mission neighborhood, the festival features stalls from over 60 local restaurants and chefs, live music, drinks, and local vendors. The IA office helped La Cocina with the planning, organization, and assembly of temporary dining furniture made from easily sourced waste-stream materials, using items such as milk crates, plywood, and recycled wood palettes to construct tables and seating pods. Check out our Flikr Gallery, linked above, for photos of the festival and some of the furniture in action, and make sure to visit La Cocina’s website for more information on the Festival and their own incubator kitchen programs.